Formula Book compiled by Benjamin Hayes
Formula book completed by Benjamin Hayes, dated as starting June 1st 1649. The book contains a list of 'the names of gummes and colours' on the first page, and contains recipes for Black Ink, Almond Butter, Pastes (of Oranges, Lemons, Roses, Raspberries, Violets or Pome-Citrons), Portugal Tarts, French Macarons, Italian Briskett, Italian Chips, Cinnamon, Marchpane [Marzipan], Nutmegs, Shell Bread, Marmalade, Orange Chips,Walnuts, Jelly and recipes on preserving fruits (examples include lums, Gooseberries, Apricots Rasperries or Cherries), as well as recipes for rememdies for illnesses such as Scurvy and Colic, as well as recipes for Drinks for the Plague.
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English, Latin, French