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Practical Pathology Students Notebook compiled by William Edward Thompson

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1 exercise book
Administrative / Biographical History
William Edward Thompson was a GP and later consultant general surgeon in Huddersfield.
Scope and content
Notebook compiled by William Edward Thompson titled 'Practical Pathology (Morbid Histology)'. The notebook was compiled by Thompson while he was a student at the University of Edinburgh. The notebook contains over 100 diagrams of parts of the body and lists clinical research apparatus for a collection of specimens:
1. Acute Parenchymatious Degeneration - Liver
2. Liver - Fatty Degeneration - frozen section
3. Cardiac Muscle - Fatty Degeneration
4. Cardiac Muscle - Fatty "Infiltration" - Paraffin Section
5. Liver - Amyloid Degeneration (Early)
6. Liver - Amyloid Degeneration (Advanced)
7. Kidney - Amyloid Degeneration (Early)
8. Kidney - Advanced Amyloid Degeneration
9. Spleen - Amyloid Degeneration, affecting particularly the Malpighian Bodies
10. Spleen - Diffuse Amyloid change
11. Intestine - Amyloid degeneration
12. Aorta atheroma - fatty degeneration affecting innner coat - paraffin section
13. Cerebral arteries "atheroma" - fatty degeneration of inner court, paraffin section
14. Heart Muscle - Brown Atrophy
15. Spinal Meningis - Acute Inflammation (Acute Meningitis)
16. Skin: Acute Inflammation
17. Acute Peritonitis of Stomach
18. Kidney - Pyaemic Abcess
19. Vermiform Appendix - Acute Inflammation
20. Visual Pericardium - Acute inflammation
21. Lung - Acute Bronchitis
22. Lung of child, showing catharral changes
23. Acute Lobar-Pneumonia
24. Lung - Pneumonia "Resolution" - removal of fibrin
25. Peritoneum: Organisation of Inflammatory Exudate
26. Pleuna Organisation (complete) of Inflammatory Exudate
27. Heart - Chronic Myocarditis
28. Heart Valve Cusp
29. Omentum - Acute Inflammation
30. Lung - Chronic Venous Congestion (with terminal infection)
31. Liver - Chronic Venous Congestion
32. Spleen - Chronic Venous Congestion (Atrophy of Malpighian Bodies)
33. Skin - Simple Papilloma
34. Tongue - Carcinoma Epithelioma
35. Cervical Lymphatic Glands
36. Sarcoma in neighbourhood of bone
37. Teratoma of Testicle
38. Soft Fibroma or Spindle-celled Sarcoma
39. Fat (from a Lipoma)
40. Chondroma of Pelvis
41. Myxoma (Scalp)
42. Glioma (of Pons)
43. Glioma
44. Mixed-cell Neoplasm of Salivary Gland
45. Uterus
46. Liver - Haemangioma
47. Lymphangioma
48. Benign Giant-celled Neoplasm of Bone
50. Sarcoma
51. Sarcoma
52. Lymphosarcoma (Lung)
54. Melanosarcoma
55. Diffuse Fibro-Adenoma of Breast
56. Female Breast - Fibro-adenoma
57. Fibro-adenoma: Intracanalicular type
58. Carcinoma of Breast (female)
59. Lymphathic Gland - Secondary Carcinoma
60. Carcinoma - Encophyloid Type
61. Ovary - Multilocular Cystic Adenoma (Benign)
62. Villous Papilloma of Bladder (Benign)
64. Stomach - Adeno carcinoma (Primary)
65. Liver: Adeno carcinoma (Secondary)
66. Adeno-Carcinoma of Outer Abdominal Wall
67. Primary Liver-celled Carcinoma
68. Lymph Node - Mucoid degeneration in carcinoma
69. Large round-celled neoplasm in testis
70. Tuberculosis of Liver
71. Tuberculosis of Liver
72. Tuberculosis of Spleen
73. Lung - Acute Tuberculosis with commencing cavitation ("Galloping Consumption")
76. Synovial Membrane: Knee Joint, Tuberculosis
77. Testis - Tuberculosis
78. Skin - Tuberculosis (Lupis Valgaris)
79. Lung Anthracosis
80. Lung Silicosis
81. Lung Emphysema
82. Lung Collapse
83. Thyroid Gland - Simple Celloid Goitre
84. Thyroid Gland - Exophthalmic Goitre
85. Thyroid Gland - Myxoedema
86. Lymph Node - Hodgkin's disease
87. Spleen - Hodgkin's disease - Early
88. Lymphatic Gland - Hodgkin's disease (Later stage - fibrous)
89. Bone Marrow: Erythroblastic and Myelocyte reaction
90. Bone Marrow: Mycleogenous leukeamia
91. Liver: Mycleogenous leukeamia
92. Spleen: Mycleogenous leukeamia
93. Chronic Lymphatic Leukaemia
94. Large Intestine - Amoebic Dysentery
95. Normal Pancreas
96. Pancreas from ease of Diabetes
97. Liver - Renal Necrosis
98. Liver - Chronic Interstitial Hepatitis
99. Liver - Chronic Interstitial Hepatitis
100. Kidney - Corrosive Subliniate Poisoning
101. Acute Bright's Disease
102. Chronic Interstitial Nephritis
103. Intestine - Unaemic Ulcer, from case of Chronic Intestitial Nephritis
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