F. Mitchell Chemist Limited, Collection
1 folder
Fred Mitchell opened a chemists in Darley Street, Bradford in 1932, called 'F. Mitchell Chemist Limited'. The company grew to become the leading pharmacy in Bradford, before Mitchell left to become a director of the China Inland Mission in 1942. More information on Mitchell's life and career can be found here:
Correspondence, labels, leaflets and pamphlets compiled by F. Mitchell Chemist Limited. Includes two envelopes of labels for products (Brilliantine, Non-Slip Liquid Floor Polish, Antiseptic Throat Pastilles, Talcum Powder, Extract of Malt, Jamaica Sarsaparilla, Sunburn Oil, Lavender Water, Flowers of Sulphur, Long Life Lozenges, Gingermints, Potassium Bicarbonate, Chilblain Capsules), copy of T.J Smith and Nephew Limited price list for surgical dressings, advertising leaflet for skin cream by Dr Vernade titled 'Toujours la Beaute: Being a Method of Skin Culture', leaflet promoting Arestit Hair Colour Restorer, copy of 'The Ucalite: The Trade Journal of the United Chemists Association Limited' dated September 1950, leaflet titled '"Procid" in the treatment of local bacterial and fungal infections', price list for James Woolley Sons and Co. Limited, letters to Mitchell from Hanovia Limited and James L. Hatrick and Co. Limited relating to the sale of lamps to Mitchell, letter from W.S. Simpson and Co. thanking Mitchell for purchasing cosmetics from them, advertising poster for 'Deodolay' Lavatory Cleanser.
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