Alice Quincey Linnell, Collection
1 folder
Alice Quincey Linnell trained to become a nurse at St. James's Hospital in Leeds between 1923 and 1926, qualifying in 1926 and becoming a staff nurse at the hospital. In 1930, Linnell trained for six months as a district nurse at Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute for Nurses. She was then appointed District Nurse at Queen's Institute of District Nursing in Kingston in 1931, then worked at Selly Oak Hospital as a nurse, and as a public health visitor in Birmingham until 1935 and was appointed a temporary health visitor and school nurse by Holland County Council that same year.
The collection consists of documents acquired by Linnell during her nursing career, including letters of engagement, testimonials, certificates, and photographs.
The collection consists of documents acquired by Linnell during her nursing career, including letters of engagement, testimonials, certificates, and photographs.
Items compiled by Alice Quincey Linnell, relating to Linnell's nursing career. Includes correspondence sent to Linnell appointing Linnell as probationer nurse at St. James's Hospital in Leeds, correspondence and certificates from the General Nursing Council confirming that Linnell had qualified as a nurse in 1926, testimonials in support of Linnell, agreement for Linnell to work for Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute for Nurses and Queen's Institute of District Nursing, black and white photographs of employees of St. James's Hospital, including Miss [A W T] Bodley, Matron, and Dr Allen, Medical Officer of Health, and a black and white photograph of medical and nursing staff at Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham, in March 1930.
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